Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Summer Fun

Okay, people...we're back! In case you may be wondering what our summer has looked like, above is a picture of me in Texas (one of two times this summer) doing a concert...So needless to say, we traveled A LOT. We were going to try to take more pictures of what it meant to be us this summer, but those pictures are not of the kids and therefore, boring. But if we did, the pictures would look like this:

1) all of our luggage which we used a lot and never seemed to leave our hallways and foots of our beds
2) checks being written out to overnight babysitters (which we also used a lot)
3) Brad staying up late typing on his laptop for his new school endeavor while I try to watch what I tivo-ed
4) My severely UNCLEAN house
5) my 'bad friend' award that should be hanging on the wall :)
6) my very empty refrigerator
7) me in a Starbucks apron

Yes, you read that right...I gave it a four month try in an attempt to latch onto this EXCEPTIONAL insurance that they have...yes, its good, if you can get 20 hours a week. But our schedule and the management didn't see eye to eye, so instead of being aptly insured, I just ended up being completely and utterly exhausted most of the time from my shifts ranging in starting times from 4:15am to 6am. All in all, a good experience (I know how to make the drink I like for much CHEAPER) but my kids are more important to me.

We did take up family biking this summer - which we have loved but don't have NEARLY enough time to do it - so here are the babies in all their biking finery (minus their eye-blinding spandex outfits :))

One thing we did get to do this summer was see Ava's "orphanage sisters" at the Chinese Children Adoption International's Annual Reunion. What a great time! The below picture was one of about 10 that I took...this one turned out somewhat the best...Its hard to get five sweaty, energetic kids to sit still and look to one place. From left to right - Katelyn, Ava, Cassidy, Marisa, and Joscelin...

Well...we figured this attempt at getting back on track would be a good effort, albeit short, and we look forward to keeping you all more posted as we go along!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the new pics!!!!
The Rogers