Thursday, January 24, 2008

Home but Unfinished

Yesterday we saw a bit of the wonderful city of Lima, capital of Peru.  We then flew through the night back to the States, ran through Houston airport to make our connection, barely made it, two and a fourth more hours in the air, followed by a four hour car drive (round-trip) straight from the airport to pick up Caed and Ava from Grandma Cheryle.  (We were so blessed to have Grandpa Randy & Grandma Cheryle take excellent care of them so we could be a part of this experience.)  Needless to say we are exhausted.  The story is far from being told as it should, so even though we are back in Colorado, stay tuned for the rest of the experience (including more pictures, more perspective on the slums of Chimbote, Our Lady of Guadalupe Espresso, skulls underneath Lima, and a place where you can make contributions to the church that will directly benefit the people of Chimbote).  Thank you for your prayers and continue to keep Fr. Jack, those he serves, and all those who go without basic human necessities today in your prayers!

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