Wednesday, January 3, 2007

God's Christmas Gift for Us

We had a great Christmas! Most of you who were either (a) watching the weather for the Rockies region or (b) LIVE in the Rockies region, know what a tumultuous white Christmas we had. It was GREAT! There is something about being snowed in that makes you feel like you could live in the backcountry as a twice-yearly emerging hermit.
We traveled so much as a family in November and December, that it was really a frantic chase to get all the Christmas shopping done, attend all of Jack's activities for school, decorate, unpack, and generally toe the line of insanity. When all the snow started, we ran to mall (mind you, INSTEAD of the grocery store) to finish up our list of people-to-buy-for. Kids in tow, we pushed our gigantic double-wide stroller through the muck to Park Meadows Mall. Apparently, several hundred other crazy people had to same idea. It was fun. The kids had a blast - we got things done. Win-win. Driving home was another story...just as Brad pulled up the curb so we wouldn't have to walk to the van, he slipped putting Ava into the car. Luckily, with little more than a bruised ego, he was uninjured. This, however, was an omen that the drive home would be a fun one. (note the sarcasm here) It took us twice as long to get home (a 20 minute drive turned into about 40 minutes) and there is a reason that people who are not used to driving in the snow, should not. Cars were sliding all over the place and the jerks who think they can conquer with an SUV and four wheel drive, were speeding too fast for everyone's comfort. However, we did make it one piece...but then that was the last time we ventured out for 48 hours.
Our little town received 33 inches of snow thereafter.
Meanwhile, Jack played out in the front while Brad shoveled the driveway (about 5 times) - we walked to our friend's house in knee deep snow for grilled cheese and tomato soup where we theorized how we would get our friend Shaleane out if she were to go into labor (she is 7 months pregnant with twin baby girls) - I baked cookies...real ones....from scratch...with sprinkles - We watched movie after movie - I cooked with what I had in the freezer/pantry (tuna casserole a la Joia) .....we had a blast. All of this told us that what we needed was to slow down and enjoy each other...enjoy the season...enjoy the solitude and the beautiful gift of snow we were given. I plan on writing God a 'thank you' note...
Christmas itself was wonderful. We drove (once the snow cleared up and roads were finally opened) to Wyoming for Ava and Caedmon's first Christmas...They were cute...we got to see a couple of movies (a Christmas miracle)...and we got some great time in with family.
Highlight presents:
Jack - Toss-up. either his Nintendo DS or his Playmobil Pirate Ship
Ava - Any piece of wrapping paper she could get her hands on
Caed - Any piece of wrapping paper he could put in his mouth
Mom & Dad - NEW TV!!! (our first since we've been married)
Our greatest gift has been this year we have been given. Without getting too mushy and blogging too hard, it has been irreplaceable, memorable and life altering. We are more completely who we are supposed to be. Enjoy some pictures!
Love & New Year Blessings! J & Crew
This is only the beginning....the first night out of our backdoor

The kids enjoying the snow...okay okay...with the exception of Ava

Pretty Girl - pretty cute

Our sweet babes in their Christmas morning finery

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